How well do you know Utah Engineering Law?
Join us for an informative seminar on the topic on Thursday, December 4 at the Sheraton Hotel in Salt Lake City.
Featuring industry experts such as Scott C. Hilton of the Kunzler Law Group, Robert F. Babcock of Babcock Scott & Babcock and McNeil Engineering’s very own licensed and board certified structural engineer, Matthew Roblez, S.E., SECB, this is an event you won’t want to miss!
Learn about Utah rules and regulations, intellectual property laws, ways to avoid malpractice lawsuits and much more! Even better: You can earn 7.0 CPE credit hours by attending this event! The cost to attend is $269 per person or $249 each for three or more from the same company. For more information, or to register, go here or call (715) 835-5900.