We may be biased, but we would answer that question with a resounding yes. But we’ve got to do more than simply tell you to do something. We must tell you why. What makes civil engineering a compelling discipline to study? Well, if you are... (Read More)
We’re proud to be a Utah-based engineering firm. We’ve called his great state our home for more than 30 years. And although the COVID-19 pandemic was a challenge for everyone, we were fortunate to count on our clients here in Utah and beyond to... (Read More)
Infrastructure is a hot topic today thanks to the Biden administration's infrastructure bill. This comes during a time when municipalities all over the country are struggling with crumbling roads and bridges. Here in Utah, the bill is already... (Read More)
As civil and structural engineering professionals, we spend a lot of time working with construction and contracting professionals. We spend a lot of time on job sites and consistently find ourselves in potentially dangerous situations. This is why... (Read More)
We may be in the 21st century but think for a moment about how many 20th-century devices you use on any given day. The fact is the 20th century was a hotbed of innovation and invention. We can easily name up to 20 world-changing engineering... (Read More)
Engineering firms must be well acquainted with the materials we use on the job. And one of the more ubiquitous materials is concrete. It doesn’t matter where you are in Utah, from Salt Lake City to St. George, just about any and every building... (Read More)
If there has been one constant of the 21st century, it's been change. Humanity has made incredible strides and yet we face equally incredible challenges. The industrial revolution created a wealth of industry and growth of civilization, even as we... (Read More)
Just ask anyone here at McNeil Engineering and they will tell you. They love to build. Why? Because building construction is a complex, significant, and rewarding process. It begins with an idea and culminates in a structure that may serve its... (Read More)
You've heard of them, but what makes them different? While civil and mechanical engineers do have some overlap, their jobs are both unique. While they both work in the design and construction field, the projects that these engineering disciplines... (Read More)