We've all heard about the use of drones for military applications, news gathering purposes, even package delivery, but did you know we regularly utilize them at McNeil Engineering, too? Here's a quick look at how the DJI Phantom Quadracopter (with... (Read More)
We know that how your facility looks and functions makes all the difference. That's why McNeil Engineering is committed to providing our clients with top-notch landscape, roofing and paving project services. Here's a brief overview of what we can... (Read More)
If you don't know much about McNeil Engineering, then you might be under the impression that we only operate in Utah. Believe it or not, we've actually done a lot of owkr outside of our great state! One of our most recent projects: Rush Street... (Read More)
What would you do without your cellphone? It's likely you'd feel as lost as a fish out of water. Cellular technology is your umbilical cord to ... well, just about everything in your world! Here are some tips for protecting one of your most... (Read More)
Since the late 1980s, The Sugar House Monument Plaza has been the heart of the Sugar House Business District in Salt Lake City. At McNeil Engineering, we're excited to be a part of the revitalization of this important public space, working with the... (Read More)